Tag Archives: Auditing

2023 Activity Spotlight

Auditing, Audit Melbourne

We are very excited about both the type of auditing/assessing & consulting work we will be undertaking and opportunities we will be pursuing in 2023.


The key auditing contracts we will be delivering in the coming year include the project OHS management systems of principal contractors delivering projects for both Major Roads Projects Victoria (MRPV) and the Metropolitan Roads Projects Alliance (MRPA), the OHS management systems of schools as part of the Department of Education & Training OHS assurance program and the staff and contractor OHS management systems of local government authorities.

  • Symal Infrastructure & Bild Group – Independent auditing services in OHS, Quality and Environmental project management aspects against the required project specifications as required by their contracts with Major Roads Projects Victoria (MRPV) and the Metropolitan Roads Projects Alliance (MRPA).
  • Ernst & Young – Assessing government schools and education facilities as part of the Victorian Department of Education & Training OHS assurance programme.
  • Crowe Australia – Assessment of local government authority staff and contractor OHS management systems.


The key consulting work we will be delivering in the coming year includes:

  • Federal Safety Commission Accreditation – Assisting companies that undertake high risk work activities both achieve and maintain Federal Safety Commission (FSC) Accreditation
  • Certifiable Integrated Management System Development – Developing new Integrated Management Systems (IMS) and updating exiting IMS systems for companies looking to achieve certification to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001

We hope to build on our existing auditing/assessment & consulting services and client base in the coming year and look forward to keeping you updated.

Posted By: Cathal Uniacke – cathal@custodiansafety.com.au

OHS.com.au Podcast – How Custodian Safety Services make an impact

I recently recorded a podcast with the founder of OHS.com.au Brendan Torazzi on how Custodian Safety Services makes an impact. You can listen to the podcast by following the link below:

Ep 58 Meet Cathal Uniacke & how Custodian Safety Services makes an impact

Key podcast points:

  • How I got started in OHS & Why I emigrated to Australia – 0.45
  • Differences between OHS in Ireland & Australia – 1.50
  • Why I established Custodian Safety Services – 5.55
  • The current industries I work in – 6.42
  • My feelings on running a small business – 8.30
  • Advice to OHS professionals thinking about starting a business – 9.12
  • Why the name Custodian Safety Services – 12.58
  • Our favourite clients – 14.15
  • How long before companies see the benefits of our services – 19.13
  • Advice to business owners/managers engaging an OHS Consultant – 19.45
  • What the future holds for Custodian Safety Services – 21.40

I hope you enjoy the podcast and find it informative. If you have any feedback or want to ask any questions let us know at info@custodiansafety.com.au

Posted By: Cathal Uniacke – cathal@custodiansafety.com.au

Activity Spotlight

We have been very busy in recent months providing both auditing and consulting services for a range of clients.

Our current services and clients rage from auditing for principal contractors delivering infrastructure projects for the Victorian government and commercial shopfitters upgrading their management systems to the standard required by the federal safety commissioner (FSC) for accreditation to developing Integrated Management Systems for a manufacturer supporting the current infrastructure boom and refining management systems for a construction company that has recently implemented a software management system. See for details on what we have been doing:

  • Symal Infrastructure & Bild Group – Independent auditing services in OHS, Quality and Environmental project management aspects against the required project specifications as required by their contracts with Major Roads Projects Victoria (MRPV).
  • Unispace Australia & NZ & National Projects & Maintenance – Integrated Management System (IMS) auditing for commercial shopfitters in preparation of their respective IMS management systems for FSC accreditation audits.
  • Australian Steel Coating – Upgrade of an existing management system that meets ISO 9001/14001/45001 standard requirements, management system training, facility risk review and plant risk assessment in preparation for a 3rd party certification audit.
  • Ivy Constructions – IMS System audit and subsequent system refining and detailing following the implementation of software management systems.

Some exiting upcoming projects & contracts include:

  • Ernst & Young – Auditing government schools and education facilities as part of the Victorian Department of education & training OHS assurance programme.
  • Symal Infrastructure & Bild Group – Continuing to audit MRPV project OHS, Quality and Environmental management aspects.
  • Crowe Australia – Auditing of city councils OHS management systems with regards to both the council’s employees and contractors appointed to conduct works on the council’s behalf.

We hope to build on our existing services and client base and continue to support our current clients with their efforts to develop and implement OHS, Quality and Environmental management systems through both auditing and consulting into the future.

Posted By: Cathal Uniacke – cathal@custodiansafety.com.au

2022 Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce Business Awards

Custodian Safety Services were delighted to be a finalist in the Small to Medium Enterprise category of the annual Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce buisness awards 2022.

Our key achievements in recent years that helped us become a finalist include:

  • The development of an online shop that provides low-cost documentation to small businesses
  • Adding accredited auditing to our services
  • Operating at profit throughout the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Reaching the milestone of providing services to over 150 companies across Australia

The awards were held at the prestigeous Sofitel Wentworth in Sydney and although we didn’t take home the award a great night was had, we made some wonderful new connections and rekindled some old ones.

Damian Ennis – Concise Infrastructure Consultancy & Cathal Uniacke – Custodian Safety Services at the annual IACC business awards at the Sofitel, Sydney